Crown Soya Protein Group

Collagen Casing

Collagen Casing

Views : 2015

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Product introduction

Crown collagen casings are made from high quality collagen fibers and soya protein.The casings are produced with machines imported from Germany,Poland and our patented technology.

Crown collagen casings can offer outstanding performance to the sausage manufacturers in terms of consistency,linking performance ,appearance,cooking performance and bite quality.The casings are available in a large range of calibers ,from 15mm-50mm,in clear,onion,caramel,dark caramel and smoked colors etc.

Today we are producing 4 types of collagen casings:
Crown-F is suitable for dried and semi-dried sausages,beef stickes, salami sausages, and pet sausages etc.
Crown-BQ is designed for stuffing coarse grill sausages, barbeque sausages, grilled linguica and other fresh meat sausages.
Crown-CS are multi-purpose collagen casings which is designed for cooked & smoked processed meat sausages, like hot dog, frunkfurter,Vienna and other emulsified meat sausages.
Crown-SG is an imitation of natural sheep casing, this product has good biting quality and suitable for high-temperature cooking and deep oil frying, Crown-SG is a good choice for fresh sausages.

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