Crown Soya Protein Group

Soybean Trypsin lnhibitor
Soybean Trypsin lnhibitor

Soybean Trypsin lnhibitor

Views : 423

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Product introduction

Shandong Crown Soy ProteinTechnologies Co., ltd is the firstmanufacturer of Soybean TrypsinInhibitor in the world, with patenttechnology imported from lsrael, weare now in a position to supply10000kgs of soybean trypsin inhibitorto the world market annually.Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor is the keyingredient for making oral insulincapsule to treat Type-2 diabetesSoybean Trypsin Inhibitor is also agood supplement for makingnutraceutical products and pancreashealth products for Type-2 diabetesmellitus patients.

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